Yeah come on, it can all change by then,
'bigredduke' aka 'the purveyor of doom' lol :biggrin:
'bigredduke' aka 'the purveyor of doom' lol :biggrin:
Anyone going up on the sunday that fancies a run up? Gim popped over this morning, expressed an interest in going up for the day? and maybe we can bring sleeping bags and camp on the grass if that's allowed?
You are joking right?
They can't even get a 5 day forecast right so God knows how they can forecast 15 days in advance...
Oh yes... this is England... in the next six months we can expect rain, sun, showers, wind and fog in differing amounts... the longer term forecast (12 months) will almost certainly see snow and freezing conditions), right, that ought to cover it...
Have faith you loon!
Hey up Didge have ive been dropped from the happy campers cos im injured???