1. All riders ride at their OWN risk.
    2. The UKMOC will not be held liable for any accidents to riders/passengers/motorcycles whatsoever.
    3. You are deemed to be in control of your own motor cycle at all times
    4. Please let the ride leader know, if you are intending to 'peel off' en-route.


    1. Make yourself known to all persons who intend to rideout with you.
    2. We recommend the 'Drop-Off' system for group rides.
    3. Find out if everyone has ridden in a group before - if not explain any relevant info.
    4. Ensure all have enough fuel - and locate nearest garages to the meet point.
    5. Ask everybody to ride slightly 'off-set' - eg - do not directly follow the bike in front WHERE POSSIBLE. (this leaves extra braking room).
    6. HAVE FUN!


November meet.

Mr Gazza

Lord of the Rings
May 26, 2013
Okay this is the regular meet for November.
We did squeeze an extra one in earlier this month so we could get to see DaveR's new 1100S
Good call from DaveR as we all got a fabulous ride out in the nice weather.

We're trying another venue on the Colchester/Norwich mean line.

Sunday 17th Nov. 10am at The Good the Bad and the Hungry, Wingfield. Now at 11am, not 10.
That's just south of Harleston @ IP21 5RB.
It's right out out in the sticks, so good luck finding it.
Some lovely little lanes out that way though.

Please RSVP this one folks, as I need to book a table.
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Currently trying to get the bike re-registered with DVLA after it's colour change, and increase in cc.

Once I get the new V5c back, I can then get it taxed and on the road. :banana: !!!

If this happens by end of this week then I'll let you know I'll be coming.

BUT .... given all of the hiccups, gotchas and problems getting it this far, it may well be the December meet up that's the first one I can get to.
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Well that was an unexpected curved ball!

It would be fantastic to see you Richard and your bike.
Let me know by Thursday eve if you think you can make it. (Or later, we'll sort something out.)

Edit; Thinking about it Bury St Edmunds would be a few less miles for you.
Give us a shout if you think you can make the Dec meet and we'll go to Krazy Horse. (Painfully hipster joint though!)
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Stop Press

I booked a table for 7 this morning, but could only get it for 11am.

Meet now at 11am not 10am.
No news from DVLA, so won't be attending. Hope you all have good get together and I'll try again for the December meet.
Okay. Thanks for letting me know.
DVLA don't usually take more than a couple of weeks to sort logbooks.
You can also tax it at the post office and then state the changes there, and they send it off.
Bit late for that if you've already sent it though.. :banghead:

Fingers crossed for some fair weather in December.
Another great get together.
Not too bad a ride in, but only 8 degrees and the low Sun reflecting up off the damp roads meant reverent progress.
The GBH turned out to be a nice friendly venue with very nice food and coffee plus excellent service.
Uncle Duke was showing off a new bike this time. He has a new Snortster.
You can always rely on at least one Dave coming on a Monster and DaveR came good on his new M1100S.
Great to also see Syd on his Bonnie and Dacs on his workday Honda.
An interesting mixture to say the least but I'm not knocking anyone who turns out on two wheels on a brisk November morning.

Well done chaps. :thumbsup:

