Tezzer said:Unless I'm missing something it is an offence under the construction and use regs not to have a mirror fitted.
Vman said:Everything is F`kin Illegal, cant even breath with out being fined....
Have a look at my S4R and tell me what "is" legal , it`ll save you time....
And yes!!!! You are defenatly missing something...... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Billy Bigwheels said:It's not legal cus it's not too safe - simple really.
But it's not my arse so good luck to yer! (Oh and to the person who brakes unexpextedly in front of you whilst you're performing your "lifesaver" )
No, it's not a legal requirement to have mirrors on your bike. have none of you peeps MOT'd yours without them ??
I rode mine for three years with no mirrors but kept loosing peeps on runs, so now fitted with bar-enders............................nice and tidy