
Heated socks. A recommendation.

Mr Gazza

Lord of the Rings
May 26, 2013
Third time lucky?
This will be my third pair of battery heated socks.
The first were hopeless and just not as described, I couldn't even get a refund. Sadly I can't remember the supplier now, so can't warn you not to buy from there.

The second pair have done well for a couple of years. I extended the cables to the batteries with speaker wire so I could have them in my pockets rather than in the socks themselves. This kind of works, but it is a bit of a palaver getting dressed with all that cable up the trouser legs!
The plugs can pull out of the batteries if it's not done right and then I get a cold foot!
I think the battery power has been falling off recently and I'm not feeling so much benefit from them.

My new pair, although from the exact same listing as the previous, are so much improved!
The heating is supplied via a flexible pad which wraps round the foot and heats it quite comprehensively. previously they used a heating wire coiled around the foot and they did tend to have hot and cold areas which can feel really weird. (The useless first pair actually branded my feet with the pattern of the wire!)
The two 5000mha batteries are slimmer than the previous and have 4 settings rather than 3. They fit nicely in the pockets at the top of the socks without interfering with my boots.
My first ride was 9° ambient and I had them on "4". I was glad to get home and turn them off, as they were getting a bit too toasty! So lots more power there than the last ones.
Todays ride was 14° ambient and to be honest, not really necessary to even turn the socks on, but I had them on "2" and they were very comfortable, with the low setting heat being very apparent. (Equivalent to flat out on the previous.)
The material is a bit thinner than before, so much more comfortable in my boots, stretchy too, so I can pull them further up my legs. (Not heated beyond the foot though. The heated long johns take over in that area.)

So I'm recommending these if anyone is looking for something like this. A bargain compared to the Kies ones @£90 a pair!
I offered £27 and they shipped straight away. I had them in a couple of days. I think they would have accepted less than that, so give them a try.

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I never felt the need for heated socks myself but you've got me thinking back to my bike comuting days in all weathers. I would scrape off the frost and ride my bike 40 miles in any weather everyday to work and back. Very good boots and gloves, but no heating required!
I also remember commuting in all weathers in the 70's before I was allowed to drive a car.
I have one particular memory of riding through Buxton (Norfolk) in nearly 3 feet of virgin snow. I've never seen anything like it before or since. It was remarkable!
The snow built up in little cones on my knees as I ploughed through it. My biggest concern was finding my bike again if I slipped off, it would have been completely buried! Better than dodging the mud and sugar beet though.

Rose tints don't allow me to recall how desperately cold I used to get, but I was very keen to pass my driving test so's not to have to repeat the ordeal.
As far as I know there was no such thing as heated gear in those days. Certainly not anything an apprentice could afford, nor anything practical for a motorcycle.
I now know that Canberra pilots were equipped with heated socks that plugged into the aircraft's electric supply.
It's nippy in those at 60,000ft or more when it's -50° outside. Rather unpleasant apparently when the sweat on your back freezes! US pilots of the U2 wore/wear full astronaut's space suits at those altitudes while our guys gutsed it out. 🥶

These days I can't keep out of the saddle no matter what, but I love the comfort that heated gear affords. It adds so much to the pleasure and is so important for maintaining proper control when you can feel everything, respond accordingly and just relax.
There are no little fires going off on my bike, so no heat coming off, but I've got 17.5 Kwh of electricity to go at, so it's a no brainer really.
When our new Norwich Sportsbikeshop opens in the new year I'll be looking at some new heated trousers and vest.. 😜