
Clutch oil seal Q


Sep 20, 2022
Hi All,

Whilst I'm waiting on the wheels to come back from powder coating (and on the hunt for an S4 front wheel if that pops up first) I thought I'd drop the clutch out of my donor engine as I'll be swapping the side casing for a vented one. The steel clutch basket had signs of wear but I have dressed that lightly with a file which will do for the first year of use before replacement later on. Just to be on the safe side I pulled up some exploded diagrams of the clutch assembly and it seems I'm missing a seal at the extreme end of the push rod near to the small needle roller bearing so this will be purchased and fitted the correct way around. Can someone please check / confirm that I've correctly identified all the seals and o-rings required as listed from left to right when sat on the bike for the 900ie motor;

  • x2 o-rings in grooves approx 10mm apart
  • x1 o-ring in clutch cush drive on top of large needle roller bearing
  • x1 viton o-ring fitted internally in clutch spacer
  • x1 o-ring fitted into the cap on the end of the clutch push rod
  • x1 oil seal in clutch push rod near needle bearing
I've already fitted a new large oil seal to the newly coated side casing and oil level window and have the large seal flush with the external face and protruding slightly on the inside.

Is the threadlock specific which holds the clutch basket onto its hub as I seem to think oil could leak out of here as well?

Many thanks,

Seals sound about right from memory.

I also changed the little roller bearing in mine as they are cheap enough but beware, they are an absolute swine to remove (easy to re-fit the new one though) so if it looks good, I'd leave it be.

As for the basket & threadlock, I think it is more about sealing than locking, infact IIRC, I used threebond on mine for that reason - let's face it once all those 8 bolts are done up nice 'n tight they're not coming undone by themselves - though beware the big nut on the hub, mine on the 916 somehow loosened itself and ejected the hub/plates/pressure plate assembly through the cover, out of the housing and into the side fairing.:eek:

Belt 'n braces says use medium threadlock in the holes but squidge some threebond into the last few threads and under the bolt heads.