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Old 07-08-2019, 04:42 PM   #1
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Bike: M1100evo
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Spring has sprung...

...and not in a good way!

I took the Evo for a spin along the A272 the other day, taking it steady but still 'making progress' as they say. Approaching a favourite right-hander, I changed down to fifth smoothly but, when I tried to select fourth - nothing - the gear change pedal was solid. Tried changing back into top and that was fine as was going back down to fifth but fourth and lower were missing.

I probably should have stopped to avoid possibly causing damage but, as I was close to home, I made it back in fifth (my heavier flywheel was much appreciated!) and put the bike on the paddock stand.

A quick investigation showed that, when the bike was in fifth, the pedal was at the bottom of its travel but, if you changed up to top, the pedal returned to its normal resting position from which fifth could be selected. But then the pedal was again at the bottom of its travel.

Some more fiddling revealed that, by lifting the pedal just slightly, (as if you were going for a false neutral), it would return to its normal position without selecting the higher gear. From there, I got fourth and eventually back to neutral.

I'm sure many of you will have made the same diagnosis as me - a broken return spring (27 on the diagram - 79915061A). I checked with Moto Rapido and they said they always have two in stock (not an uncommon problem then!) and they're only about £7 and the fork return spring (no. 20 - 79910251A) is also in stock for about £3, so best to replace them together.

That would be the cheapest solution but you can't be sure it's not anything more serious until you get the alternator cover off. So a Laser crankcase puller was duly purchased.

For the benefit of anyone else needing to remove their cover, I've posted a step-by-step guide here

Hope it's useful.

Suffice to say, I opened it up today and, as I eased the cover off, this obligingly dropped out.

It looks like a nice clean break with no fragments, (I checked the drain plug magnet and also strained the oil and there was no other debris so it should just be a case of replacing the springs).

That's as far as I've got at the moment as I can't get the flywheel off myself. So I'll take it to Moto Rapido for that and also reassembly as they're less likely to mess up the Threebond seal than me!

Now, back out to the garage to scrape off the old sealant... (I think that must make up the bulk of the labour charge!).
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