That Ducati insurance and Wicked quotes are one and the same company ? Last year I was with 'wicked quotes' and their renewal was £275 (f/c - 2 Ducs) so I phoned Ducati insurance £300 f/c. - but with protected n.c.b.& t/p cover to ride any other bike not belonging to me.( none of which was offered at wicked quotes). another thing that I noticed was that both quotes had a clause - no commuting - f.f.s what are you supposed to do to get to work!
a quick call to D/I and yes that can be changed at no extra charge - so why put it in there in the first place? Anyway on to the interesting bit, I decide on D/I and surprise suprise - they are both at the same address, both dealing with n/u via ramasis.
Just thought you'd like to know.
Pete :burnout: