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Old 28-04-2008, 07:32 AM   #2
Posts: n/a
The ride home was mainly uneventful. M25 to the M11 then the turn off towards Newmarket. Sedate motorway speeds with an occasional blast thrown in just to see and to test. Going through a tunnel obviously had the slow down speed up slow down routine to enable the sound of those glorious Termi’s to reverberate around my ears. It’s like having the Royal Philharmonic play the Albert Hall only much better. Then I hit the little roads on the run in to town. Well known to me and a chance for me to have some fun. Now bearing in mind I had just ridden 80 or so motorway miles I would usually be sitting on the Monnie with a bit of a sore behind thinking Fag break time stretch my legs and take the stiffness out of my back. Not on the Hyper. Anne has had a sculptured seat put on and I think may well have had some softness thrown in there as well because I felt fresh and comfy with little to no stiffness at all.
I pulled up to Sarah’s window and indicated that I wanted to call into town to fill up the tank so I would go on ahead. She just smiled a knowing smile and stuck her foot down! The Cougar has a 2.5V6 so is not too shabby and I was in top doing around 65 at the time (Ahem) I opened her up and within a second or two was passing Sarah and the girls. The torque in this engine is amazing. The girls faces were stuck to the window like a couple of Garfields giggling and waving as I went by. It is so quick. Before I realised and looked down at the digital speedo I had reached a speed slightly in excess of 66 and I knew that I needed to slow down. This bike really really is naughty.
I filled up in town behind a guy, Georgio, on a bright red S2R (I think) He came over and complemented me on the bike. “How long have you had her?” “Oooo about 6 hours” says I with a big grin on my face. We had a chat and I pointed him in the direction of the UKMOC website.
A final blast from Newmarket to the village around twisty little B Roads and I was home. As I got off the bike and pulled of my lid Sarah stood at the back door with a cup of coffee in her hand looked at me and said I suppose you just want to drink this here don’t you? She knows me so well and stayed with me while I rambled on about the virtues of the bike, the fun I had, the ease of riding it, the little twiddly bits that have been done to make more than just the standard bike. All the time with a knowing smile on her face that said OK now I know why you wanted to get it. Now I can see what all the fuss is about. Now I know you are happy. For that I love her but she now has a very serious rival because I love this bike it is sooooo much fun.
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