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Old 15-04-2009, 09:24 PM   #3
Posts: n/a
Other things to note

There will be a briefing before each ride out. Please pay attention to these, particularly if you are not used to mass ride outs.

General ride rules:

The ride will be lead and tailmarked by known riders (hopefully in hi-viz). Do not pass the leader.

Other marshalls will be within the pack to block junctions where safe, etc. Please let them pass you.

Please avoid passing other riders in the group, except where appropriate (eg. Fish Hill!)

Ride offset from the rider in front of you

Keep sight of the rider behind you at all times. Stop at junctions for them if you can't see them. The theory is that if everyone does this, we shouldn't lose anyone!

These will be repeated at the weekender. We don't want to impose rules, but these are for everyone's safety and enjoyment.

And for anyone who has a Garmin Zumo - feel free to find me before the Saturday rideout, and I'll copy the route onto your unit!