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Old 13-07-2013, 12:03 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by utopia View Post
Dirty ...I like your style.

One thing about having had a bad off in the past, is that it rams home the importance of defensive roadcraft and anticipation. But I daresay you've already pointed that out.
The other thing is that monsters, with their torquey power characteristics and relatively gentle top end don't exactly encourage irresponsible riding ...and furthermore, while the 750 does have enough power to do most jobs well, it doesn't have the crazy excess of most other biggish bikes. And being a naked, you're not going to be wanting to go that quick on fast roads anyway.

Is any of that likely to help ?
You can quote me if you like.
Very wise words from Utopia there. I ride a ZX6-R as well and the smooth, zingy motor always begs to be revved. 4-6k on a 2V Monster is a great place to be, torquey, and you can hear the engine going, you know you have a bit more, but only if you feed it. On a IL4 you're just getting going, suddenly you're at 10k looking for the next 6 thousand revs.

The lack of fairing is also a big one. The wind makes you feel like you're going faster and it's also a bit tiring at silly speeds. Aim for a 600 and you'll never really hit epic speeds. I cruised along the other day around 70-ish quite comfortably. On my Ninja, this was considerably more just because the fairing re-directed the wind over me.
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