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Old 11-07-2013, 06:12 AM   #22
Posts: n/a
Utopia, I hear you!
I've been through this with her, my eldest was always dead against so I haven't bothered but it must be cool to have a biker dad now because she really wants me to get one! I'm an electrician that works in dangerous places everyday! I could ski, scooba dive, play rugby, rock climb you say being a biker having tasted hospital food does make you careful. She sees the hooners fly past our house at ridiculous speeds and thinks all bikers are the same I think! She actually said get a scooter they're safer! 80mph with less weight, grip or power/braking force isn't any safer atall, they just look less likely to let you get carried away!
My Megablade was about 18inches of the floor so was very hard to see coming but I survived that which was ridiculously quick and nimble.....
It doesn't help most if not all our friends neighbours I've mentioned it too have also tried to discourage me, I'm just going to have to put a proper argument together or use Dirty's system. Life's too short to put things off...
I need to be quick while the suns out!
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