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Old 18-06-2022, 05:22 PM   #21
Mr Gazza
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Colin Chapman was reputed to say that if it doesn't break it's too heavy.

Not sure that's any consolation in this case and it's certainly a great shame that the stand failed, more so that it trashed the other parts that clearly were strong enough for their purpose.

Sorry to be late to the party with this as it were. I've been swotting on the Easy Composites videos and find them extremely interesting.. I'm on the verge of embarking on some projects that they have inspired.. Thanks for the heads up Bitza.

So re-watching this one on stress testing (read destruction testing).

It does show that the "optimised forged carbon fibre" does the best in the various tests.
Optimised in this case, means adding continuous ribbons of fibre tows in the direction of the part and round pivot points, rather than the short, chopped, multi directional fibres of "standard" forged parts.
I reckon a small re-design with more material round the pivot, blending it with the shaft better and eliminating the sharpish internal corners, (In other word, where it broke.)
Then the addition of continuous tows round the pivot and going some length down the shaft, (As Slob alluded to.) would probably make the stand strong enough?

Of course as the weight is gradually pared off the bike, the stand will have less to do.

One thing that does appear to happen in some of the tests, is that the optimised forged parts tend to fail more progressively rather than catastrophically. That could be an improvement in itself if you were close enough to notice the stand gradually buckling?

I hope you persevere with this and manage to produce a more successful Mk2 stand.

Last edited by Mr Gazza; 18-06-2022 at 05:26 PM..
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