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Old 26-05-2022, 03:58 AM   #10
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Totally agree Nasher, having tackled the weekenders recently I know what commitment looks like so really appreciate the team for the hard work they do all year round ,work ,family and life in general will get in the way meaning full commitment is not possible for many…… and I fear I am already the wrong demographic .

A team that can share out the burden is required, without the constraints and dictates of the increasingly corporate DMH, we are an owners club by definition so we stay UKMOC in my opinion and wave goodbye to affiliation. What have the Romans ever done for us…..Wsb meet and greet at Donington…….discount entry into the museum……support with some freebies and raffle prizes at the 2019 weekender…….annual membership pack…….but apart from these

This is a great place to be and long May it remain so, I am with Gazza, the free and easy feel is the way to go, the T & C ,s for the current positions are way too heavy.

I am more than happy to be part of a new era Pedro,(indeed I have already spoken with Rob and picked up the baton once more for a Weekender next year) but as an independent UKMOC .

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