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Old 25-05-2022, 11:25 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Pedro View Post

It’s disappointing to see a lack of people offering to step up unless Rob knows more than I, many are happy to benefit from this forum but it seems they’ve unwilling to put anything back in.
I think that's a little harsh.

I speak from experience of running events for boat clubs and a pre-internet owners club.

Everyone on here really appreciates the work that's put in by the team, and because of that realises exactly how much time and effort goes into it. And how hard it can be at times.

That in turn means that nearly everyone who would like to be able to step up worries or knows they just don't have enough time and possibly the ability to do the role justice like you guys.

I'd love to have a crack at it, but when family, work, and other commitments have to take priority I wouldn't feel I was giving the club my best or full commitment, so am just not prepared to let everyone down. I'm sure many feel that way and admire you guys commitment more because of it.
In a few years when I'm properly retired I'd possibly consider it, but then probably wouldn't be of the correct age or demographic to take the club forward.

What's needed is a team who are able to reliably commit the time, energy, and enthusiasm to do the roles justice on a regular basis.
You guys have been great at it, but in reality your posts in this thread have actually just proved how hard it is to maintain around normal life.

Oh, and sod DMH and their affiliation rules, it appears like too much grief with too little benefit. Of course MR will continue to give discount to members whatever the situation.
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