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Old 05-04-2022, 08:56 PM   #3
Too much time on my hands member
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Some is a bit contradictory, take level crossings ...
"Wait until traffic has stopped from both directions or the road is clear before crossing. Remember that traffic does not have to stop until someone has moved onto the crossing. "

So the traffic should stop if your standing waiting to cross .. unless they don't because they don't have to because you haven't blindly launched yourself onto the crossing in the hope that they'll stop.

Got a side road off of a mainish road here, there's dimpled slabs on the dropped pavement to let people know this is where to cross ... except the cars can't see you till they're feet away as there's a hedge hiding you ... Nice to know it will be the drivers fault when you just leap lemmimg like into the void in the sure and certain knowledge that you have the right of way
"The final measure of any rider's skill is the inverse ratio of his preferred Traveling Speed to the number of bad scars on his body." Song of the sausage creature
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