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Old 09-09-2021, 09:31 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2018
Location: Lincoln
Bike: M620ie
Posts: 116
Storage till next Spring

Hello, more knowledgable peeps,

I'm laid up after surgery and as the Tax and Insurance have run out, so I'm parking Doris up till the Spring.

My question is to what to do with the Fuel Tank ??

Doris is a '03 620 Dark i.e. I bought in 2018 with 1800 miles. When bought, the tank was a bit swollen and the place I bought it off were doing a batch of tanks with the Ethanol Proof Coating, so I added my tank to the pile. So as far as I understand it's E5 proof and certainly looks OK since then.

I always fill to the Brim at my local village Petrol Station on my way home from a ride out, and that's the situation now - brimmed with 95 Octane E5 mixed with 99 Octane E5 from a Shell Station about 80 miles up the road.

So is it safe to leave the tank full to the Brim till the spring, or better to drain it and dry it out ?? Not done that previously, but now I have doubts. OTOH Doris was left for the whole of 2020 due to the Pandemic.

Also, as I understand it E10 shouldn't be used 'cos of the Fuel System Components ??
Doris '03 620 Dark
Horace 1980 onwards Harris Mag II
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