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Old 16-06-2021, 04:59 PM   #97
Too much time on my hands member
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Shipbourne
Bike: M900
Posts: 1,421
Bad day at the office today.
Part 1
The first job, before taking the bike off the stand was to fit the centre stand spring. At first, there seemed to be 4 possible orientations the spring can be fitted but it only actually fits in one of those orientations, it took me about half an hour to work that out, but not before my home-made spring puller was kaput (not man enough for the job) and the immaculate paintwork on the stand had a nice patina of scratches. I tried the Allen Millyard trick of bending the spring in the vice and inserting washers between the coils but there was insufficient clearance with the washers in place to get the lower hook of the spring onto the post on the stand. I tried 3 different grades of cable ties before finally using an Allen key as a tourniquet I finally got the spring in place.
Part 2
Time to get the bike off the stand put petrol in it and start her up. The bike stand has one of those rocker devices fixed to the front and the rear wheel contact patch is very close to the edge of the stand. The bike was a bit reluctant to free from the rocker device so I yanked it from the front brake side obviously causing a bit of lock to go on, the back wheel reacted by steering off the ramp and the next I knew the bike was on top of me, half on and half off the stand. I was trapped, fortunately, my wife spotted my predicament and helped release me. No serious damage to me or the bike but a bit more patina, a small scrape on the underside of the exhaust and some scratches to the headlamp bowl.
Part 3
A gallon of Esso's finest went in and the taps were turned on. I lost about half a pint whilst I worked out which way was off on both the petrol taps, it appeared to be pouring out of both float bowls. these were removed and re-tightened up but still the same issue. The problem is either the pipe fit to the petrol banjoes (or those rather horrible spring clips distorting the pipe and causing a leak) or the sealing of the banjoes to the carburettor body (by means of 2 fibre washers per banjo).
The banjoes were removed and it was clear these washers are specials as none in my selection box was remotely similar. Ducati Paddy are forwarding me 2 sets FOC - thanks.
Part 4
It is clear that the black paint I used to paint the frame (Upol gloss black) does not like Esso's finest as in two places it has just washed back to primer.
Part 5
In trying to seal the banjoes I got my selection box of Viton O rings out and to end a perfect day I managed to knock it off the bench putting 250 little O rings in 24 different sizes all over the floor.
Happy days!

Last edited by 350TSS; 16-06-2021 at 05:01 PM..
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