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Old 28-05-2021, 09:51 PM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Stoke on Trent
Bike: M900ie
Posts: 780
Replacement Brake & Clutch Resrvoirs? Leak?

Looking at my brake reservoir today I noticed some fluid has leaked... Its a really small amount and it may have taken two weeks to accumulate (last time it was ridden) so I will check it again tomorrow to see whats there overnight. I have no idea why it has developed a problem as it has not been bumped and there's no moving parts to wear out. I know that the fluid will destroy te paintwork on my bike so it will be wrapped up -if the leak proves to be tiny- whilst I get it resolved.

So knowledgable Monster riding mates, if the source of the leak is unclear, what is the general process to follow? Do I replace the lid and/or the diaphragm, or bin it all and replace with new?

If new is best, anyone have a recommendation? I think I will pass on Chinese brake parts. I looked on the Performance Parts (Rizoma distributor) but they had nothing suggested for my bike. I expect the original Brembo reservoir is still available, but its probably the same price as diamonds so I'd rather spend the money on an upgrade!

If anyone has a set (brake & clutch) they have taken off thats in perfect condition and you want to sell it, let me know what you have with a pic & a price?

As always all advice and comments gratefully received.

Monsters don't hide under the bed, they sleep inside the shed
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