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Old 01-04-2021, 05:21 PM   #42
Old Git
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Cricklade
Bike: Multiple Monsters
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Bike is now complete ready to MOT and Tax etc ,, it looking lovely but still maor issues with left hand carb its useless ,, missifiring lean not ticking over ,, Its not porous , there are No airleaks its been ultrasonicly cleaned 3 times everything inside is new , totally clean and refurbished and its been assembled exactly as the right hand carb same jets same settings on needles etc the right hand carb id fine but the left hand one will not work correctly ,, I am totally baffled as are my local carb specialist and ducati mechanics Paddy and Alf ????? as never seen anything like it ,the carb is perfect looks like new ,

we rode the bike down the road for 5 miles with the crusty looking carbs off the 750ss it ran perfect

the bike works with other carb sets off my other monster 750 and 750ss and none of the electrical components or valves are faulty ???

The carbs are back off the bike and on the bench the dodgy left hand carb is now essentially a new fully refurbed piece of junk ???

the 750ss is coming off the road and my other M750 is taxed now for the summer but all the money and work that has gone into the refurb bike which looks stunning is on hold due to this weird carb screwup

Last edited by jerry; 01-04-2021 at 05:32 PM..
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