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Old 02-02-2021, 05:38 PM   #15
No turn left unstoned
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Originally Posted by Darren69 View Post
Obviously they take 'declivity' very seriously in Norfolk!
Of course they do.
Anything that isn't dead flat and level sticks out like a sore thumb in Norfolk.

Originally Posted by Darren69 View Post
I always check mine by kneeling and pulling the bike off the side stand towards me by the frame. You can tell when it's on it's balance point and near enough level. That way has always been close enough for Rock n Roll for me.
Its never been close enough for me .. and I think there are three elements to this :-

1) When judging the level by feel, its quite easy to detect larger deviations but becomes progressively less easy the closer you get to dead level. In my opinion this band of uncertainty is sufficiently wide to cause significant error.

2) Its not very easy to hold the bike reliably steady once you do find the level position. This introduces a vagueness which is in turn exaggerated by the viscosity of the oil which produces a lag in settling to a true reading.
And as stated earlier, any side to side movements affect the indicated level in the window quite dramatically.

3) Even if you manage to overcome the above pitfalls and get the bike into an accurate and stable level condition, you're probably scrunched up against the side of the bike trying to hold it in position and your eyeline to the sight glass is therefore very acute and subject to parallax errors (if you can even see it clearly at all).

One way around all this might be to use a level on the filler cap to aid the selection of a suitable thickness block to fit under under the sidestand.
Obviously the bike will not stand securely on its own using such a block but it can easily be held against the sidestand/block and will thus be more reliably steady, giving a more stable reading and an easier view of the sight glass.
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