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Old 25-10-2020, 11:09 PM   #12
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Join Date: Jan 2012
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It's a real shame that having an opinion seems to upset so many people today. Saying 'their loss' isn't 'judging' or exclusive. My whole point is 'they are young, let them do whatever they want to, like I did'. That's as far from 'judging' as it gets. Am I supposed to like it and join in as well? Am I obliged to think it's as rewarding as other things? Are all things equal now, no winners, no losers, well done cupcake you tried!
And I call bull on everything about owning a bike is lifestyle. Nothing about my bike ownership is a lifestyle choice. It's simply one of many hobbies. I have many similar friends who just happen to own bikes and also many for who biking is a lifestyle. Some even have beards and turn their trousers up. They also have a soh

No one is against 40k service intervals. It's not obligatory to even change your own oil, I don't anymore. But I could if I wanted to...
Wounds heal, chicks dig scars, glory lasts forever

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