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Old 16-10-2020, 06:35 PM   #1295
Too much time on my hands member
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Another 2 weeks has gone by and over the last couple of days, with some weather without preciptation, I tried again to get the coloured base coat down in a flat mat finish ready for the lacquer.
I must have used about 20 sheets of 800 W&D (dry only) and about 4 more sprayings to get the surface finish I thought necessary to accept the lacquer coat. I have nearly used a whole litre of the water based colour coat to achieve this and most of it is now dust either coating all the surfaces in the garage or stuck firmly to the 800 W&D.
Today was an unmitigated disaster.
The lacquer coat went on like spraying cement dust, grainy, with white specs which I can only assume were air bubbles trapped when I mixed the 2 pack. The white specks largely disappeared as it dried but the grainy nature of the finish was extremely disheartening particularly when I remember the hours and hours I spent rubbing down the buck, the mould and finally the finished moulding to achieve a good finish.
I think I can recover the situation but it will be hours more rubbing down and possibly another (hopefully compatible) paint laid over this very expensive lacquer undercoat.
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