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Old 12-07-2020, 09:11 AM   #6
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Okay, I can see what happened without the 'benefit' of excess alcohol.

Again substituting curly brackets {} for square ones [] so you can see what's happening without hitting the 'Quote' button. (more Klingon for you)

postimg give you code to paste straight in


which gives you a forum thumbnail that's a link to the postimg page

this is complete bb code and can be pasted straight into your post

You used the 'Insert Image' button which and pasted the code, without removing the "http://" that the button gives you.
This adds bb code 'img' tags plus that "http://"
{IMG}http:// ...before, and... {/IMG} ...after

It's a shame because what you really want is the actual image
you get by following the link to postimg, right-clicking the bigger pic. and choosing 'Copy image address'
(this doesn't work as their code detects the link being used to bypass their ads)

not the thumbnail

but postimg want to get you to the full page so they can hit you with clickbait advertising

and of course the 'Insert Link' button just creates the bb code
{url="https:// ...www...the URL of your "} ...your text... {/url}
which is the outer bit of code postimg gave you around the thumbnail,
this is actually not neccesary because the forum detects something starting with http:// or https:// or even just www. and adds the link code automagically

QaH vItul
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