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Old 08-06-2020, 05:43 PM   #6
Too much time on my hands member
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Forest Of Dean
Bike: S2r
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Oh deary deary me it sounds like your motor is going to self destruct any second!! Big suck in of air... Tell you what I'll make you a reasonable offer for it

Really doesn't sound like something in the valve train,you'd expect it to get quieter as it warmed up and the clearances close up.. So it could well be the injectors unless it's something in the heads.

Hard to tell as I have little to compare with. My air cooled is an S2R, it would be hard to hear much in the way of subtle sounds as it's so noisy to start with. Very err 'mechanical' overlaid with termis.
My water cooled 748R is equally 'loud', again tough to hear too much over the termis and clutch.

Try and localise it a bit more, the old long screwdriver resting on your ear is helpful.
"The final measure of any rider's skill is the inverse ratio of his preferred Traveling Speed to the number of bad scars on his body." Song of the sausage creature
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