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Old 11-05-2020, 09:15 PM   #9
Too much time on my hands member
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Slob: right on the button, at the risk of being political, here is my tuppence worth.
All the while we have been told they, the government, are being led by the science yet they have not had a coherent testing programme. Science based on guesses about how many have been infected and how many have had it and shown no appreciable symptoms is not scientific at all, just guesses.
If lockdown was important 6 or 8 weeks ago how do they know when they relax it that there will not be a second wave if they do not have the faintest clue how many of the population have immunity.
The guidelines show all the signs of having been written in a hurry by a committee who were completely isolated from each other and then modified to be economically, then politically expedient, having made sure that no one at the helm carries any can for anything that might go wrong downstream.
Unfortunately, we have a media in this country that seems incapable of providing a coherent challenge and really holding the politicians/bureaucrats feet to the fire so whatever happens, it will not be anybody's fault and a bit of a shame that 20/30/50 thousand died and the economy was ruined for the next 3 decades.
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