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Old 11-05-2020, 02:21 PM   #25
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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Oh #%$# yeah patchouli oil! The horror, the horror! My first leather 'bike' (we'll sort of) jacket was a Mascot cross zip style one I bought second hand from a hippy vintage clothing place. Really pretty rubbish - cheap leather and the underside of the collar was even made of PVC to save a bit of money on production costs. My budget then didn't run to new jackets let alone something a bit more decent like a lewis leathers or highwayman or rivets brand jacket. So it was the rubbish mascot jacket with an old denim jacket underneath on colder days/for a bit more protection for me, until the happy day I could afford to buy my lovely Vanson jacket...

To make things worse, the hippy shop I bought the mascot jacket at convinced me that it was standard practice to treat leather jackets with patchouli oil to 'condition' them and sold me a small bottle of the oil to put on the jacket (which was already pretty musty I have to admit)... which I niaively did... once on the sickly patchouli smell never goes away and that jacket got me (well my jacket anyway) banned from my brother in laws house on account of the stink. I later found out patchouli oil does absolutely nothing (or nothing good anyway) for leather conditioning, but was apparently liberally used by counter-culture types as it was thought to disguise the smell of smoking weed from the law... although anyone still thinking straight would have realised stinking of patchouli was probably a bigger give away than any amount of illicit 'jazz cigarette' smells could ever be...

The follies of youth... now you know why I now know so much about leather care - I wasn't about to mess up again and coat my lovely new vanson jacket in some stinky hippy oil!

Still, everyone thought I must have a serious weed habit given how badly I stank of patchouli (I'd used the whole bottle!) so I suppose in some twisted way it may have helped my street cred with certain types...

Right better get back to my tantric chanting,


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