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Old 06-05-2020, 07:49 PM   #56
FrankenDesmo's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2019
Location: Glasgow
Bike: M900
Posts: 108
Good point re the drain hose chaps. I'll look at doing that as I'm not bothered by it's existence - it's just a hassle to get the bung back in the airbox each time (or slightly less hassle removing the whole hose with the airbox - but I'm aiming for minimal hassle so that the carbs are easier to get at when needed).

I had assumed the tyres must fine for a decade or two at least - but apparently 5 years is the limit! I will look seriously at getting a pair of new Diablo II's on before I do a lot of riding.

Another thing I've started looking into (for the future) is sorting out the suspension which will be a new foray for me as I've never even checked a sag let alone play around with fluid weights, springs, and replacements. I'll need to scope out a good stretch of "test" road nearby...
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