Thread: Draining Carbs
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Old 17-02-2020, 07:55 AM   #5
The Clockie
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Originally Posted by Darren69 View Post
I had to Google Suzuki VX800 because i never heard of one or seen one before . But yea, its a cruiser engine in a kind of 600 Bandit frame. A bit meh imho. Was it an official model or a grey import? Closest jap bike to an S4 woud probably be a TL1000 but without the suicidal handling issues!
The VX was certainly an official import into Europe and the US, though the US got a different crank angle to give extra vibration to suit their tastes!

I've just been reading a 1990 Bike magazine test, which is one of the few aspects of the bike I have left after it had to make room for the S4R (No way did I mean that the VX was Japan's version of the Monster: LOL) and one of the testers really caught the vibe of a release from trying to ride ballistically on sports-bikes and finding the pleasure of relatively-sedate and comfortable travel on two wheels. As I said, a real charmer of a bike with nothing to prove. If I had more space, it'd still be here.

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