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Old 21-01-2020, 05:21 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Hi Guys,

Great to meet up with some of you for breakfast on Sunday. Thanks Gazza for the tank clip - very kind of you. Richard and I made great progress on the bike this weekend, please see attached photos for your entertainment, from boxes that were going to be shipped to Columbia to a Monster (that needs the wiring finished - so please ignore the messy wires everywhere)

Can anyone please advise where the pictured hose is supposed to be positioned (should it be connected to something or is it a drain)? Its about 18mm and has a strange rubber loop at the end.

Also, The wiring harness has coloured cables to help identify, but the components like the indicators and switches etc that connect into it seem to have no identifying colours on the wires into them. Does it matter which cable goes into which (ie are components like the indicators reversible)?

Thanks for all your help in advance, and I look forward to riding the bike to a meet up soon.

Last edited by Hamish; 21-01-2020 at 05:27 AM..
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