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Old 15-09-2019, 05:17 AM   #5
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Breathability: some armour has more holes/vents in than others. Armour will add to how hot you can get, so some vents are good and can make armour lighter too, but obviously there is a trade off with strength/protection. Not a crucial criteria for me but a few vents a bonus especially on back protectors which can get sweaty given large coverage area.

On cost prices can vary a fair bit between manufacturers (and where you buy from). Thankfully I'm not a broke kid any more, so price not a crucial factor for me and over the life cycle it anyway works out pretty cheap (and much cheaper than costs of physio for injuries! Spending far more on rehab post my snowboard injury...) but clearly less money is better all else equal...

Here's my summary of the pros and cons of the offerings from the four body armour manufacturers (Knox, SAS-tec, D3O and Forcefield) I looked at:

Knox: a popular brand and often the OE armour in decent kit. I have the patented Knox scaphoid sliders that came in my excellent Racer gloves and protect your wrists in a crash. Knox's innovative handroid glove also does great in tests, so they are a well respected company. However, on limb armour I only did some initial cursory scoping here as from their website it became apparent that nothing stood out for me here (not the thinnest/lightest/most shapes/best performing/most flexible or cheapest) so I concentrated on the other three manufacturers ranges... sure this is still very good armour to have, just not the best fit for my needs from what I could see.

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