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Old 08-09-2019, 04:44 PM   #9
Mr Gazza
Lord of the Rings
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This is an odd one.
I have one of those tea trays in Carbon (origin unknown). I have a three bolt fixing, but the triangle of three is reversed to Jez's one, with the single bolt at the very rear and then the pair... But this tray has 5 bolts anyway, so what it fits I couldn't say.

I did find with mine, that the bonded (brass) inserts were a pain in the empennage.
Not only was it royally difficult to find the inserts with the screws, but if the screw was only a little too long it would screw the insert off the tail, easily done, as it pulled down onto rubber... I found it all rather unsatisfactory, although I should qualify that by explaining that I think a PO had tried to repair this in the past.
Jez's looks rather nice and new.

In the end I chopped the inserts and their bonding right off flush. I then made up a skeletal plate from 1.5mm ally sheet and drilled three holes aligning with the frame holes.
Aluminium bolts (Countersunk I think) were then threaded into the holes and ally nuts tightened on. The nuts fit nicely into the dished area round the frame holes.

This assembly was then fixed onto the frame with further ally nuts. Then the bare tray was placed very carefully onto a little filler applied to the new ally plate.
Once cured, I removed the bottom nuts and carefully lifted the whole thing off.
Next I bonded over the plate to the tray with epoxy and woven glass tape.. It's been firm and very easy to remove and re-fit ever since.

Just sayin' as this could be a solution for someone wanting to fit this very nice tea tray to their bike regardless of bolt hole configuration..
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