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Old 08-05-2019, 11:55 AM   #113
No turn left unstoned
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Originally Posted by Moco1961 View Post
...... apart from abandoning Jeff when we left on Sunday morning I quite enjoyed being tail gunner for the day !
Absolutely not the slightest jot of a worry, mate.

I actually enjoyed the buzz of leaping into action, grabbing the satnav and tracking you all down.
And anyway, you would have already clocked that everyone was there and ready to go, so you were watching for moving bikes with bodies on them, not scanning the parking area for riderless ones.
It was my fault really as I should have spoken to you before dashing off to the shower, but I didn't because I was trying to hurry.
Shame I hadn't already put my helmet on though.

For those that weren't there .. a pigeon in the tree above shat on my head just as we had finished lining up the bikes for a photo before setting off on the Portmerion trip.
Actually, the main payload hit the tarmac at my feet, but three pieces of stray shot peppered my left leg .... and one further stray hit my hair.
Rob reckoned he couldn't see it "cos it was hair coloured".
I was pleased with that as pigeon **** still has some brown in it, as well as the white and grey.
It certainly wasn't hair scented though.
But they say its lucky.
Within seconds I was back in the bathroom, head under the shower (while in full leathers), a quick towel dry and back out front in short.ish order.
There was hardly a Ducati in sight and none in earshot .. but at least my bike was still there, else I would've been properly snookered.
"No problem" quoth I, there can't be many ways to Portmerion and I have satnav technology on my side and carbon fibre speediness to my wheels (ok I made the "wheels" bit up for the sake of the yarn).
Anyway .. back to room, get satnav.
The first glint of luck came soon enough, when I learned (read .. I forgot but was reminded) that The Ponderosa was the first destination, then on to Portmerion.
Anyway .. back to reception, get postcode for Ponderosa.
Luckily it was only a handful of miles away (really .. no pun intended .. but there it is).
I was there before everyone had bought their coffee, and I think I managed not to spring the average speed camera trap en route.

In the carpark at the Ponderosa, was an old guy (listen to me, these days) with a van and this gorgeous two stroke Kawasaki.
Apparently he still held the lap record around the Isle of Man for a bike of its class.
Twin cylinder, aircooled, with massively bigger square barrel finning, 350cc, disc valves and sideways facing carbs, Ceriani forks, spoked wheels with four leading shoe front brake (he scorned at my "Fontana" enquiry .. it was Italian but I didn't catch the name) and two leading shoes at the back. Both alloy rims bore proper old school racing triangulars.
The oversize, TT tank was painted in maroon and bore the old kawasaki winged logo that they used to use on their first, heavily brit twin inspired forays into motorcycle design. I'd say it was of late 60s vintage.
It probably made similar power to my M750, but over a razor-blade thin power band, and weighed rather less than "not very much at all".
I considered myself lucky to have seen that.
Does anyone have a pic ?

contd ...
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