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Old 24-01-2019, 05:29 PM   #14
Mr Gazza
Lord of the Rings
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To update this...

Last night I decided to get serious with this pesky little clip/ring.
I found an old pair of scissors in a first aid kit and ground the outer edges into fine hooks, with the intention of getting the hooks under the ring and pulling the scissors open and up.
This worked to some extent as it was successful in removing the remains of the rubber cap from under the ring, but I couldn't pull hard enough to shift the ring even with the scissors nicely located as designed.
I remembered Carl Harrison's advice of trying a little warmth and just prising it out. So I stripped everything out that might get damaged by heat.. The switch and plastic level window. I warmed her up and just levered the ring out with a screwdriver...Simple as!

Now for the bad news! I discovered that there is a little "pushrod" or "button" that slips in the master body and makes the connection from the lever to the microswitch, as the tiny little button on the switch will not reach the lever. Put it this way, I discovered it, due to working out that it was missing after removing the switch.
Although it must be a small black cylinder about 10mm long and 4mm round, I can't find it, even in my reasonably clean workshop... It could have gone in any direction unseen and unheard!!

So, a big ask of anyone who can help with this. Does anyone have a spare one of these little "buttons"? I will gladly pay your asking price if one is available.
I am initially thinking this would be an easy part to have 3D printed, possibly in multiples.
So if I could even have the loan of one it would be fantastic as I could measure and draw it, the rest is simply a matter of a few emails and these would be cheaply available to anyone.

Thanks in advance.
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