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Old 04-04-2018, 09:28 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by ibduke View Post
Yes, I was taking to jim at Two Wheel Classics, He goes the FCR route from Sudco. When I did buy them from Chris They sorted there side out in USA, Then when they got over here I'd more to pay but it was still big savings rather than buying them in the uk. That was for the full kit including adaptors, carbs, cables,grip and air filter.
Yes that's what I'm expecting.

Just holding onto the slim chance that my pal can hook me up with some at trade +%? but think these are rare / very popular so there's no wriggle room to be found. Even my friend uses Frank MX for stuff so that's a dependable option for Mikuni but my gut tells me Keihin's the way forward.

Love the thought of dropping £1600 into two carbs though
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