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Old 14-09-2017, 07:31 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by peterbgoode View Post
Thank you for the warm welcome and advice. I was actually looking at S4r, it's really cool, though M900 is more affordable, right?
Well it depends a little on whether you mean more affordable to buy or to service etc?

Yes an M900 would be cheaper to buy -although an immaculate original or well restored model (like Albie's) might be a close call as prices are rising steadily as more and more people start putting them under the 'classic' banner.

As for servicing, particularly if you are paying someone to carry out quality work then any of the 2v models will be a bit cheaper for parts, require less time spent doing the work (half the number of valves to shim) and also with the extra power of the 4v bikes they will get through the consumables (tyres, chains and sprockets etc.) a bit faster too.

Also for any bikes (like the S4R) that have a single sided swing arm they will need a dedicated paddock stand and correct tool for routine jobs such as chain adjustment.

There are a few S4R's on eBay at the moment at varying asking prices from around £4-7000 but out of them this one looks good (albeit at the higher end), with a ridiculously low mileage but being sold through a Ducati dealer so any problems where it has been standing should be sorted or honoured through a warranty.

But also worth a look if you like the single sided swing arm but decide against the higher running cost and plumbing is this S2R 1000 which is fitted with arguably the best air cooled 2v motor Ducati have ever produced.

Originally Posted by S4R Dude View Post
M900 bloody nice bike, and you can easily really make it your own. OR.......cut out the inevitable change in a couple of years and go S4R..
After seventeen years of 900 ownership I'm still waiting for the 'inevitable change' to happen!!

I did have an S4 along side it for a while (well a couple of months), I really wanted to like it and on paper it should have been sooo much better than my 900 but for me it had none of the character of the air cooled motor and none of the WOW! of a 'proper' 916.

Plus, and I'm sorry to have to say this ..... all that plumbing on show just didn't do it for me.

But I will say and I know things have to move on etc. etc. the S4R is by far the best (in my eyes) package (looks and performance) water cooled Monster there is to date and with those classic looks will no doubt be the one to watch the prices rocket in the not too distant future.
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