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Old 19-05-2017, 02:00 PM   #173
No turn left unstoned
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Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
Its Persian rugs. Tibetans are Buddhist, don't have a 'god' per se and are much more relaxed about that sort of thing anyway

The idea of the 'deliberate flaw' can be found in many cultures and their objects. Denotes a special sort of arrogance in the artist IMO
Yes, not Tibetans of course .. my daft mistake.
Not too sure about your "arrogance" comment though .. I see it more as humility myself.

For what its worth, my own view on perfection is that its like infinity .. it denotes a theoretical absolute maximum in time and space, which is both impossible to define and is in any case a subjective judgement according to the eye of the beholder.
Something to be constantly aimed for, but never achieved.
I guess that sounds more Buddist than anything .. possibly the reason for my misquote.
The good thing about all that is that it suggests that "near perfection" is the best outcome that it is possible to achieve, and that there are many, equally valid versions of this.
Which is why I can fully appreciate everyone else's custom monster creations while at the same time I can (and do) consider mine to be the best motorcycle in the world, ever.
Here endeth today's reading.
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