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Old 27-01-2017, 01:25 PM   #75
No turn left unstoned
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My adaptor ring was delivered yesterday.
And also in the box was the other half of Gazza's pair of crystal style reflector units.
Complete with a blue bulb to boot.
Thanks mate, and thanks again.
I owe you postage and more.

It really does look like "proper" MDF, doesn't it.
I was imagining something a little more plastic-like .. and for some reason, more yellow ..?
This looks like it would soak up water like a sponge .. but I will have faith.
Its very nicely machined too.

I did look around for some ally tube to use as blanks, which might be economical ... but so far I've fallen (just) short of anything big enough.

Imagine the scene ....
Half a dozen or so turn up at the weekender, their headlights fitted with an assortment of different aftermarket innards, courtesy of Gazza's adaptors.
After dark, we all line up for a comparative assessment.

Now that I think of it, I'm wondering whether it makes sense to get hold of a second shell and rim so that two complete headlight units can be quickly swapped without messing around with the fiddly rim fitment.
Then I could easily do comparative runs down the same stretch of road at roughly the same time and in the same light conditions.
Or maybe I'm thinking this through too far ?

Incidentally, I think I was wrong about the two different styles of headlight shell/rim fixing.
Dunno where I got that from.
Still don't like the std arrangement much.

Which leads me to the pic of the aftermarket headlamp from Wemoto, as fitted to Jerry's 750.
The shell on that unit looks like it has the 2-bolt rim fixing.
If its the same as the old Japanese unit that I have on the Dommie now, its a far nicer design .. much more positive.
One aspect of all this headlight testing stuff, for me at least, is a reluctance towards having to fiddle with trying to refit the std rim to the shell ... repeatedly.
I'm not even sure that the design is up to repeated dismantling without wearing itself out.
Tbh, I'm tempted to try one from Wemoto just for the shell.
I guess that would give me the two shells for comparative testing .. but it could start to get expensive that way.
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