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Old 02-11-2016, 07:37 PM   #12
Mr Gazza
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Glad you mentioned UBECs as I needed to jog my memory.

I discovered that a BEC is also known as a "Battery Elimination Circuit" and a UBEC is a "Universal Battery Elimination Circuit"

I was also reminded that the other function of a BEC as part of a speed controller, is to regulate the current to the servos.

A UBEC is simply a BEC that is independent of a speed controller and will handle higher input voltages and is capable of supplying higher regulated current to servos and ancillaries.

So a UBEC is a regulator of sorts and is kind of what we are looking for, but with ratings tailored to a motorcycle's needs.

It begs the question; are we looking at simply doubling up on the regulator part of the reg/rec as a precaution against the R/R failing... Can you regulate the current twice?

What would a secondary reg' do with any surplus current? Would it's function be to illuminate a warning light? Or shut off the battery, thus killing the engine?

I know what you're after Jeff but I'm running out of know how. Hope I'm on the right track?
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