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Old 02-05-2016, 09:06 PM   #3
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Farnborough
Bike: No Bike Yet!
Posts: 211
Hi everyone,

We're finally back home, unpacked and fed after nearly 200 miles' worth of pouring rain. The house is strewn with gently steaming bike gear, and I expect my hair will have just about dried out by Thursday afternoon. Hope you all made it back safely and that you too are well on the way to feeling human once again.

Thank you all for the tremendous feedback we've had. Even though the weather put a bit of a dampener on things, the positive comments we've heard really make it all feel worthwhile, and we're delighted you had a good time. The hotel staff we spoke to also said they'd only heard positive things from UKMOC.

We dropped off the collection bucket with the Wales Air Ambulance staff this morning, and we're expecting to hear the final count of what we raised within the next couple of days. Thanks again to you all for your generosity... and if you can think of a simple way to transport a bucket of cash by motorcycle in the pouring rain, do please let us know!!

Highlight of the weekend for me was leading the long Saturday ride out. It's not that many years since I couldn't even ride a bicycle, much less a motorbike, and often when it comes to social events there's a little part of my brain that likes to just curl up into a little ball and hide... so if you'd told me that I'd be leading a group of bikers half way across Wales, I'd never have believed it. I'm sure there's an inspirational story there waiting to get out, somehow.
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