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Old 12-05-2015, 05:10 PM   #5
No more Monster...
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: London
Bike: Other Not a Ducati
Posts: 4,326
The Drop off system works well, when people pay attention at the briefing.
This year everyone did and I thank you all for it and it's just as much thanks to you lot that the ride went pretty darn well.

Over/undertaking of other bikes on the Rideout isn't encouraged if it has no meaningful reason to have been done. So don't.

I'm glad that my flawless (almost) planning, meant we had a pretty darn good route the whole way without too many of the snags that some parts of the country suffer from.

And yes, I was going sensibly.

I've led the National Rideout, and many others, for a good number of years and there's a lot of planning goes into them to make sure we all have a good ride. The benefit of being at the front is that no one can hear me scream when I get it wrong. That include's 'JP Shortcuts' or 'Green Laning' as it is somethimes known. Just remember, there's a better road just round the next corner. Yah.

Glad you all liked it and I'm happy to mail the route to anyone if they care, and want a Garmin .GPX file.

Otherwise, just follow me the next time....


My Mum says, there's no such thing as Monsters.
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