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Old 25-03-2015, 01:30 AM   #46
No turn left unstoned
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Join Date: Jun 2010
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I was just thinking today that, with that frame and engine colour, your most likely choices for the tank would be either red or white.
In which case I was rather hoping that my old tank would become white, as I'm not a big fan of red.
But the silver titanium option sounds perhaps even better.
It matters not really, I suppose, but nevertheless I'm pleased.

I thought the tank was decent inside.
For information, since I've had it (which has been nearly always) its been kept largely empty over winter but, crucially in my opinion, in an UNHEATED shed with good ventilation.
Its good to know that the strategy seems to have worked.
Downside is I freeze my nuts off in there when that cold east winter wind blows !

My thoughts on the rose joints was not so much that there might be insufficient thread engagement but more that the end of the hoop was now effectively a lengthy bit of fairly thin threaded rod.
Probably not a problem unless maybe the joint gets stiff, in which case it'd perhaps only hasten a failure that would happen anyway.
But the stress-raising effect of the vee thread, over that extended length, it just kind of caught my eye.
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