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Old 22-11-2014, 12:35 PM   #78
No turn left unstoned
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Originally Posted by Mr Gazza View Post
I had been growing thoughts of an "Alternative" Weekender as an extra date on the UKMOC calendar. Maybe at the other end of the Summer, say September? The principal of the idea would be to get a hotel out of the equation, but how to do that without resorting to camping eludes me so far...There are plenty of B&Bs and static caravan parks out this way which reduce their rate considerably after the school holidays....So..?? Maybe... Well it's not quite 2016 yet!!
I've been having similar thoughts over the last year or two, and am constantly on the lookout for a suitable venue.
Maybe we could join forces ?
I already have the option of a good live band lined up, as well as the use of a large marquee and PA and lighting rigs, if that kind of caper could be on the cards.
Though whether it should be an extra event or simply a different take on the normal weekender is still an open question.
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