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Old 06-04-2014, 09:28 PM   #3
Mr Gazza
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Originally Posted by Flip View Post
Nice one- that'll give me something to do with the scrap bits of stainless during my lunch time at work tomorrow.
Pleased that I have inspired at least one person..

Let us know if those measurements work for you..And how the Stainless bends.

Can't apologise enough for the way the drawing has reproduced. I converted it to a pdf, hoping that I could post it in a printable form, but I then had to convert it to a jpeg to post it.
That was with tinypic...Anybody know how I can post up a pdf so it will be printable from here?
Ideally I would like it to be printable at 1:1 so that it can be cut out from the print and tried.
But I can't even seem to get it to pdf at 1:1 from TurboCad...Doh..!
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