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Old 05-12-2013, 09:16 PM   #2
Too much time on my hands member
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Forest Of Dean
Bike: S2r
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A biased opinion.. if you're going for older pre-2000 then get a 750, quicker then a 600 and will keep up with bigger. The 600's are fine, just a small motor, you'd notice it if you head up the heads of the valleys. But all, the 600, 750 and 900 do give you an engaging ride.. you have to ride the monsters to get the best out of it and on a twisty B road a good rider on a 600 can really suprise a bigger bike, they can all hack along quite rapidly when you need thenm to.
You could probably get an IE maybe one of the newer generation for the budget you have but it won't be anything like pristine and there are some expensive parts like failed clocks that would get one into uour price range.
"The final measure of any rider's skill is the inverse ratio of his preferred Traveling Speed to the number of bad scars on his body." Song of the sausage creature
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