Thread: Ignition fault
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Old 27-08-2013, 04:03 PM   #1
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Ignition fault

On my M900 - it is likely that both ignition HT coils would fail at the same time?

Following Haynes Book of Lies (TM Spacemonkey) I checked the primary windings (the positive and negative eterminals) and they both fell within usual parameters (5.1 ohms).

However on BOTH coils I appear to have no resistance (or possibly too much to read) and my meter doesn't flicker from it's setting when I check the secondary winding circuit (for either of the terminals against the HT lead output) suggesting that the secondary windings in both coils are banjaxed. Is this a common occurrence? Or am I just testing these things wrongly? I am, of course, switching the range from single units to K's when testing the secondary windings so we can discount schoolboy errors I think.
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