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Old 18-04-2013, 10:55 AM   #64
Posts: n/a
I know the claims made for vapour blasting and understand the process - just not convinced. I am really concerned about the blast media being embedded in the metal or stuck in internal oilways - despite the claims that this doesn't happen.

I've got a diy blast cabinet from Machine Mart and it works quite well. If I can't clean a casting by boiling it then I do use glass for alloy and Al oxide for ferrous. Everyone agrees that this dry blasting shouldn't be used for engine internals because the embedded material cannot be washed off and will release when engine is in service.

The only exception to this is to use soda blasting and I've recently soda blasted some carburettors - inside and out. Although a bit slow, the finish is excellent and the advantage of soda is that it dissolves in water so part can be washed in warm water afterwards.

Vapour blasting claims to avoid the problem of embedded media but has anyone actually put a piece of metal under the microscope after vapour blasting to confirm that?
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