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Old 22-01-2013, 05:11 PM   #11
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: East London
Bike: Multiple Monsters
Posts: 9,716
I would say it's important to organise a regular Monthly meet, regardless of how poor initial attendance is. That way people know when and where to come. We (I) organise a London meet at the same place on the 1st Saturday of the month, hopefully this means if I'm unavailable for whatever reason, the meet will still occur. The date was carefully chosen not to conflict with neighbouring meets, which encourages Kent and Essex members to come along as those with family commitments etc. may only get a one day pass at the weekend. I used to go to Kent meets simply because there wasn't a London one (until I was cruely tricked into taking it on.) If you sit in a pub/cafe on your own for an hour one Saturday a Month until June, don't be surprised but perserverance should pay off eventually.
I would say that social networking clearly has its place in modern communications but if you arrange stuff on facebook please ensure put a link in your regional forum so all the information is available on or via the UKMOC site, otherwise the club is weakened, the forum is just another form of social networking after all and some people, myself included, don't 'do' FB but that's a whole other thread.
Some changes are afoot in the world of Ducati clubs but what that will be isn't yet clear but that's also another thread and I will pass on any news as soon as I know what's going on. Regional branches seem to ebb and flow as, Leicester, Kent and Surrey/Sussex were very active 10 years ago. Now it's more Hants/Wilts and Kent. We have NeilO organising North Wales as of last year, Moira in East Anglia and recently Strumbuddy starting to put something together in the North East. If there isn't a local meet and you'd like one PM me and I'll see how I can help you try and build it. I'd also like to encourage anyone reading this who feels the forum a bit cliquey to get out and meet some people, it'll break down those barriers (but that's another thread too, feel free to PM or email me if you feel this is the case and I'll see if I can help in any way there too)
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