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Old 22-06-2012, 05:01 PM   #3
Posts: n/a
thanks- got them from the states, from Bellissimoto. DONT EVER USE THEM. Took 4 months to get here (to be fair, suppliers fault, not theirs but still...) but they assureed me they would be a straight bolt on, turns out they weren't. I.e. 320mm not 300, no offset for goldline calipers, which they argued that they would work with...has to get new calipers, 2nd hand 300mm discs while i was waiting as the old ones were shot, custom spacers to mitigate lack of offset etc etc.

very happy with them, but a very very expensive can get offset ones - just order from the factory in france.

Bellissimoto refused a refund, was too far gone to open a dispute on paypal and they stopped responding to emails.
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