Thread: I'm impressed
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Old 05-04-2012, 07:09 PM   #14
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Just tried the Vulcanet wipes for the first time, to try to render the Monster presentable for the Horsham Piazza Italia after a week's commuting including rain.

I dread to think what unholy mixture of solvents they're soaked in (strong smell of nail varnish remover, and my hands now feel very dry) but they seem to do the trick. Very glad I left the bike to cool down after riding home, as I suspect they're hideously flammable!

I probably ended up using about 5 instead of the suggested 2-3, mainly because of the amount of grit I could feel, which I didn't want to wipe across other bits of the bike. They even made a reasonable job of the backs of my exhaust pipes (a magnet for baked on chain fling and road crud).

I dare say a thorough SDoc & water cleaning session (requiring the baking of large quantities of cookies) would have been just as effective or more so, but for a fairly quick fix for the terminally lazy bike cleaner like me, well worthwhile.
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