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Old 09-12-2011, 08:42 PM   #11
Posts: n/a
There may very well be lots of ways to post pics, but this is what I do. First off, transfer your pics from camera to your PC, creating an album. then, when you click on the attachments icon (the paperclip symbol) when you are posting a message, your album(s) will appear in the left hand portion of your computer screen. click on to whichever album you want, using the "Browse" function. Select the relevent pic and click the "Upload" box. It takes a while, but, when uploaded, it tells you in a little box. Then, click on the "Close window" box, which will return you to your original message. When you have written your message, click on the paperclip icon, and a box will appear telling you how many pics you have. It will also say "Insert all" which is what I do. It took me ages to work this lot out, so don't despair if it doesn't work first time. Feel free to PM me if you run into difficulties. I might very well bump into you at Cobb & Jaggers, and, living in Crosshills, surely you must know their salesman, Richard? He sold me my Evo! He lives in Crosshills, and it's not that big!
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